A lot of folks say that all the "heavy lifting" in QRP QSOs is done on the receiving end - that the guy using low power isn't the one that has to dig a weak signal out of the noise - it's the guy on the other end with the big station that does all the work. I've been that guy on the other end a lot of times, and yes, sometimes it is a lot of work, but even then I would marvel at how much could be done with low power. And, as I've recently discovered, with small antennas as well.
Yesterday I operated the QRPTTF contest for a couple hours. I think I made 17 QSOs in two hours, which isn't a lot by contest standards...but it's not a big contest. I operated until my battery died, using a 50' doublet I hung vertically in a tree in a park near my new home. And I had a lot of fun...it's amazing what 5w and a small antenna can do, even without super conditions. I had an HA7 answer my CQ. And in a few moments away from the contest I tuned across 18MHz and worked a 5N - yes, it was obvious he was having to work to complete the QSO, but I hope he was as amazed at what a little rig can do as I am!
And the most important thing is to have fun - whether you're QRP or QRO!
To learn a little more about QRP. you may want to check out Rich Arland's ARRL publication Low Power Communication: The Art and Science of QRP